What is Maker Battle? MakerspaceCT will launch an electrifying robot war in a newly constructed Battle Arena in Downtown Hartford this October. It's a fun and interactive STEM learning event for youth and adults alike and a great opportunity to activate a live, family-friendly event in Downtown Hartford.
A critical element of Maker Battle is an 8x8 arena to contain the carnage. Airborne robots and flying debris are just part of the fun! But we must have a strong barrier to protect our human participants.
Our arena is made of steel, plywood and polycarbonate sheets. We are very fortunate to have community support for materials, as well as volunteers to help build the structure. For instance, LOGAN STEEL supplied the metal and MakerspaceCT members and friends are teaming up to construct the arena.
THE CHALLENGE: As you know, supply chain issues make certain supplies scarce and inflation is hitting hard around the U.S. Suddenly we find ourselves in a situation where polycarbonate sheets are in limited supply and prices are going through the roof! In some instances, 30-50% or even higher. Our original hopes of receiving donations or discounts from manufactures and suppliers have been dashed! |
The Battle Arena will be lined with Polycarbonate, a material that has the durability and impact resistance needed for the fierce competition of Maker Battle. | We need your help!We need to raise up to $7,000 just to source the polycarbonate material we need for the Battle Arena. Your donation, in any amount, will help make this event happen. Your support will fuel the goals of Maker Battle 2021!
Please support this effort by choosing your preferred donatoin below. Thank you!
ABOUT US: MakerspaceCT, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is a community workshop and skills development center in Hartford, CT. To learn more about our history and mission, click here.